Fracture and Breaking Through--Mental and Behavioral Health and Recovery Allyship
“I am thinking after the Henry Nouwen books - I just started The Wounded Healer and The Return of the Prodigal Son which provided me with pivotal insight into the ways I strayed as the younger prodigal son, judged and resented as the elder “dutiful” son, and sought to share freedom and guidance as the father. All of these roles were rooted in emotions, thoughts, and behaviors - much more subtle than the literal journey of the Prodigal Son. All of them have also risen out of a human desire for security and power in a challenging world. The more I search and seek in the world outside myself the more it eludes me. That is all of us, right?
That being said - the point at which a crisis is able to break through behaviors and beliefs provides an opening - an ending and beginning. A fracture where light can penetrate.”
This weekend completes our forum series entitled Fracture: Mental and Behavioral Health in the Wake of the Pandemic. We engaged with resurrection stories during this season of Eastertide. Local experts in the field shared of themselves and their work in mental and behavioral health and addiction recovery in our current historic moment. We all find ourselves as allies to those in need. They shared with us tools and approaches, resources and support. Our Breaking Through Retreat for Healing and Wholeness this Saturday, May 18, features eco-spirituality, yoga and meditation, and lectures on trauma, resilience, community response, and promising programs around mental, behavioral health, and addiction recovery.
Find our amazing slate of speakers online to learn more about their important work.
Sarah Wood (DBHDS PRS Trainer) Sharing Definitions, Realities & Research
Joel Morgan (Recovery Corps VA) A New Mission in Community Support
Sonja Hill (NAMI) Voicing Hope & Respect for those in Crisis
Tina Hallock: (No Need to Explain Podcast & Mental Health Mama)
Lauren deTreville Powell (VCU - Rams in Recovery) Freewriting for Health & Collegiate Recovery
Chris Newcomb (Mental Health America) Rocking Out in Recovery
Deepthi Nalla - Trauma and Resilience Among Dalit People in India
Denise Carl (Leadership Metro Richmond) - Community Recommendations
Tiffani Wells M.S., B.S., CPRS - Recovery Residence Quality Assurance Coordinator Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
Tricia Woodson (The Harrt Center) Yoga, Meditation,12 Step Yoga
Beth Nelson (Richmond Hill) Eco-Spirituality
Katie St. Germain (Renewing RVA and One Day)