A beautiful baptism!

Congratulations to the Donahue family who celebrate the baptism of their newest member! The children of the church watched closely, welcoming a new friend into our church family. The congregation vowed to love and support the family as they raise their daughter in the Christian faith. To close, everyone sang Jesus Loves Me!

Baptismal Prayer by Claudio Carvalhaes in English and Spanish


In Creation,
your waters brought life;

In Noa’s flood
your waters were purifying;

In the oppression of Egypt
your waters were liberating;

When Jesus was baptized,
your waters opened the heavens
and your Spirit hovered  over us;

When Christ was crucified,
your waters announced
that all was now finished;

After Jesus resurrection,
your waters spread all over the world
through the missionary work of your apostles,
announcing and teaching your gospel
baptizing in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

We pray to you, even now,
that your blessings be upon these waters,
that it may be for us and your servant, Blair,
the visible sign of an invisible grace.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Oração batismal


Na Criação,

tuas águas trouxeram vida;

No Dilúvio,

tuas águas foram purificadoras;

Na opressão do Egito,

tuas águas foram libertadoras;

Quando Jesus foi batizado,

tuas águas abriram o céu

e teu Espírito voou e revoou sobre nós;

Quando Cristo foi crucificado,

tuas águas anunciaram

que tudo estava consumado;

Após sua ressurreição,

tuas águas foram aspergidas por todo o mundo

pelo trabalho missionário dos teus apóstolos,

que anunciaram e ensinaram o teu evangelho

e nos batizaram em nome do Pai, e do Filhoe do Espírito Santo.

Pedimos-te que, também agora,

tua bênção esteja sobre estas águas,

para que sejam para nós e para a/o Blair,

o sinal visível de uma graça invisível.

Por Jesus Cristo, nosso Senhor.


Hannah Garrity