Rev. Kelley Connelly is Called to Highlands, North Carolina!

Dear Church Family,

Believe it or not July 1, 2023 marked three years working in ministry alongside Second Presbyterian Church and the VCU community.  My first several months in the role as the UKirk Resident Pastor included filming worship on Friday afternoons, hosting zoom game nights with 4 college students, and preaching to a sanctuary with just a few other people and a camera.  For an extroverted and eager recent seminary graduate, that was less than ideal, and a challenge I felt sorely underprepared for.   And yet….God’s work prevailed.

For 3 years I have had the privilege of serving on the Pastoral staff here at Second Presbyterian Church.  And now, after three years of working in God’s service together, I am excited to share with you that God is calling me to a new ministry opportunity.  In September I will relocate to Highlands, North Carolina to serve as an Associate Pastor at First Presbyterian Church Highlands.  This news is both exciting, and saddening for me.  I’ve loved my time serving the city of Richmond and campus of Virginia Commonwealth University alongside each of you.  And while I may be sad, I can also rejoice.  I rejoice because you all have shown me what the Good news means and looks like.  I rejoice because you don’t hesitate from new things—such as supporting the shower ministry, or cooking lunch for 50 students at the Pace Center!  But most of all, I rejoice knowing that God’s ministry for this congregation is not done, not even close.  

Over the next few weeks I will work closely with Roger, Kate and personnel to implement best practices moving forward for my job responsibilities.  While this may look different than years before, we trust that transition is a ripe opportunity for change.  And as always in ministry, we keep adapting.  My final day with you all will be Sunday, September 3rd, I hope we will be able to worship together one last time.  Again, I cannot thank you enough for the support over the last three years.  I look forward to the celebrations ahead!

My cup overflows,


Hannah Garrity