Jesus enters Jerusalem! A Palm Parade with our Downtown Community Ministry Partners
Members and leadership of Second Pres and our DCM partners paraded to the St. Paul’s Episcopal courtyard for a beautiful blessing of the palms. We waved palms in the air, read scripture, sang hymns, and heard song lifted by the choir and hand bells. It is an honor to join in this crucial ministry partnership in downtown Richmond. Over many decades 2nd Presbyterian Church, 3rd Street Bethel A.M.E., Centenary Methodist Church, St. Paul’s Episcopal, and St. Peter’s Pro-Cathedral have shared in service to those experiencing homelessness in downtown Richmond. A meal, a shower, these missions have been coupled with sharing in times of ecumenical worship like our annual Palm Parade and periodic pulpit exchanges. This powerful partnership has strengthened service of justice in downtown Richmond. It is an honor to be a part of it.