"Rooted, Built Up, Established in Faith, Abounding in Thanksgiving " - Hosea 1:2-10; Colossians 2:6-15

In the last few weeks, like some of you, I have had some doctor visits and some medical tests. Do not worry. I am doing fine, and everything checked out well. But one of these tests for me recently was a MRI – which stands for “magnetic resonance imaging.” MRI’s happen in a tomb-like tube – and it is very loud, with the machine bouncing magnetic and radio waves to create images of the body. I know some of you are very familiar with MRI testing.

Prior to having a MRI – which means lying in this tightly enclosed space – the question is asked in various ways: “are you claustrophobic?” “Do you panic inside tight spaces?” “Have you ever had a problem with a test like this?”

Claustrophobia is a real thing: an abnormal dread of being in closed or narrow spaces – which is exactly what a MRI machine is.

I spent the long 45 minutes of the test, closed in that tight space, with my eyes closed, singing hymns, reciting favorite passages of Scripture, practicing mindfulness, and striving for calm. I also laid there thinking that that space is very spiritual, because I am sure many prayers and hymns have been recited inside that machine.

Lying in that MRI machine, it is easy to understand why claustrophobia might be a problem for many people. Tight spaces can indeed be dreadful.

Then, I started realizing how claustrophobia – dread of tight spaces - might be a helpful term for life, especially in these days. We might not be lying in a tomb-like machine, but we can feel life squeezing us, closing in on us, making us fearful and full of dread.

If you are dealing with lingering aches in your heart, maybe deep worries about children, or sincere concerns about a parent, . . . or heavy grief – life can feel very closed in and dreadful.

If you are facing a big transition, and you have too much to do, and endless worries that keep you unsettled – life can feel pretty oppressive – not unlike a MRI machine.

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Virginia Evans
"Call and Response" - Jeremiah 1: 4 - 10 by The Rev. Dr. Maren Spray

The second reading today comes from the beginning of the book of Jeremiah found in the Old Testament. Now Jeremiah, as a book, is a complex read, written about and to people facing a series of military invasions, and therefore it is written to those who suffer.

The book is named for the main character, the prophet Jeremiah, who is the one who conveys God’s message for friend and enemy alike, to Jerusalem and Judah, and also to Egypt, the Philistines, Moab, Ammon, Edom, Syria, and Babylon, and it is hard work to do this ministry, to speak words of judgment and coming destruction, a message that is both difficult and unwelcome.

There are times Jeremiah wants to quit, but God’s calling upon his life is so strong that he can’t turn away from the work (Jeremiah 20:7-9). He says it is like an intense fire in his heart, trapped in his very bones.

At the beginning of the book of Jeremiah, there is the call, God’s call, to an ordinary human being, and Jeremiah’s response.

This story is a mirror for us as readers; we examine it to see reflected back the ways that we, each of us are called, not just to ordained ministry which is an important piece of our worship together today, but how we are called to live out this Christian life, this faithful life.

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Virginia Evans
"Let's Follow the Spirit" - Psalm16, Galatians 5:13 - 26

Last week, Ginger Evans and I had the delight of accompanying three middle school youth to their first conference at Massanetta. Nothing quite compares to the curiosity, skepticism, and energy of over 150 middle schoolers gathered together! Nothing is quite like it. Before we could get out of the van, we were welcomed by a team of joyfully yelling high schoolers, super pumped to be there as the Advocates and counselors for the conference. The first miracle happened before registration was complete—every youth and every adult had a negative rapid-test for Covid. Hallelujah! More miracles unfolded as the days were filled with activity—people liked the food, the auditorium was focused during energizer dances and the keynotes about the gospel, no one needed to go to the emergency room, and new friendships formed across state lines without screens or social media. Our crew had a fabulous experience, and you’ll hear a Moment for Mission from Frances, Henry, and Liam this summer with more highlights. I want to share one important moment from my experience—a workshop led by a college-age young adult about How to be A Neighbor. Two small groups combined—with about a dozen middler youth, two high school Advocates, and four adults. After answering questions on poster paper about being a neighbor, we practiced it right there. First, we started in pairs, getting to know someone we didn’t know before that workshop. Then we moved to groups of four. It was a simple set-up, and it worked. Two groups became one, and new connections were made around the room

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Virginia Evans
"Beyond Divisions" - Isaiah 65:17 - 25; Galatians 3:23 - 29

There are a number of lines in our first lesson today that really get my attention and greatly increase my hope. That passage from Isaiah the prophet envisions a new reality for God’s people and God’s beloved world. One line really stands out – verse 19 – “I will rejoice in Jerusalem and delight in my people; no more shall the sound of weeping be heard in it, or the cry of distress.”

Oh, how we long for that day – when God indeed rejoices in the city and delights in God’s people – no more sounds of weeping or distress.

So many images of the past week point to weeping and distress –

- houses falling into the raging river in Yellowstone National Park, another manifestation of the devastating effects of the climate crisis;

- more indicting videos and testimony from Washington that point to turmoil in our democracy;

- another shooting – in another church – and another reminder that guns are out of control in our society;

- continuing suffering in Ukraine, . . in our cities with poverty and unrest on the rise, . . . worrisome economic woes, . . . . and more.

Isaiah’s wonderful depiction of what God plans is out there – we keep hoping for it, longing for it, and working that it might become reality . . but we seem to have a long way to go.

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Virginia Evans
"Essence of Faith in Frenetic Times" - Psalm 8; Roman 5:1-11

A moment ago, we saw some splashing in the baptismal waters. What a great image – I think Jesus loves us indeed splashing in the baptismal water, as Tanner and Wyatt had fun doing today.

Then, following the baptism of Tanner Alexander, we stood and sang those simple and memorable words: “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.”

We have sung these words often at the baptismal font. It is a simple affirmation – “Jesus Loves me this I know” – and that affirmation intends to hold us, shape us, sustain us all our days.

Maybe you have heard the story about the very famous theologian, Karl Barth, who had written so many volumes of theology, known as Church Dogmatics. Karl Barth’s theology was so extensive, so expansive, so comprehensive.

Karl Barth was asked, when he was lecturing here at Union Seminary in 1962, if he could summarize his theology – a lifetime of thinking, teaching and writing about God. Barth said, “Yes, I can. In the words of a song I learned at my mother’s knee: ‘Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.”

Nice answer from a loquacious, major theologian!

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Virginia Evans
"Good Shepherd Sunday" - Psalm 23; John 10:10b-18

Whew! Church Family, it has been a week! I mean, I mean to tell you!

Beloved of God, it has been a week!

Let me start with Monday. Monday evening through Wednesday lunch, I joined other Second folks for the Sprunt Lectures at Union Presbyterian Seminary. (—Terry Crickenberger, Kelley Connelly, Roger Gench, and Mary Jane Winter…along with Sam Adams, Almond Sin, Frances Taylor Gench, and Sharon and Brian Blount—) We spent time in Watts Chapel learning from two brilliant Womanist scholars. We heard three lectures about how and why translation matters, and two sermons packed with wisdom like — pay attention to unexpected heroes, and pay attention to our periphery vision, address the real power in the room (that being God and not who’s sitting at the head of the table…), and trust God more than you trust your circumstances. We also gathered for a Question and Response session, moderated by Sam Adams, and kicked off with a heartfelt question by Almond Sin. Let the record show, I have spent a lot of time in that chapel space—as a student for four years, then back on staff for four and a half more years—and I can’t remember a time when so many Presbyterians were shouting Amen! and exclaiming Oh! and proclaiming, “She’s preaching now!” in that sacred space. My brain was overflowing with new insight and knowledge, and my heart was beating rapidly with the delight of seeing dear friends and fabulous colleagues after years of Zoom conferences. I wasn’t myself. Wednesday evening at our Mission and Advocacy Council meeting I talked about Pentecost coming up on January 5th.

My mind was so overstimulated I switched Epiphany with the Birthday of the Church, and I didn’t even notice… Kelley kindly corrected me in the chat, and I give thanks for dear colleagues who can keep me on the right track.

Church—it’s been a week! And I’ve only shared two events from my calendar, Monday through Wednesday.

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Virginia Evans
"How Do We Be Easter People in an Interfaith World?" - Isaiah 61:1-4; John 21:9 - 19

In these recent weeks, Muslims around the world are celebrating Ramadan. Ramadan continues through tomorrow. This year, the high holy days of all three Abrahamic faith traditions - Ramadan, EASTER, and Passover - all occurred in the same month.

Ramadan - the most sacred season for Muslims - is a month of fasting, reflection, prayer, and community. Muslims, throughout the month of Ramadan, are expected to fast for all the daylight hours of the day - no food, no water, nothing to eat or drink from dawn to dusk. So, for Muslims during Ramadan, there is a pre-dawn meal, and then a nightly feast that begins as soon as the sun goes down, and right after the call to prayer. That nightly feast is called an Iftar. The Iftar meal begins with eating dates - and then a full course of wonderful food.

On this past Monday night, Ginger and I were invited by some of our Muslim friends to an Iftar. It took place at Amir Mediterranean restaurant on Lombardy St. The occasion was a gathering of a group known as “the Faith Forum.” Some of you know that I have been part of the Faith Forum for many years. This is a group of interfaith leaders who seek to know one another, and build bridges in greater Richmond, working together on more respect, more compassion, more justice and love in our city.

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Virginia Evans
"What About Your Life? Isaiah 65:17-25; Luke 24:1-12

“The two most important days in your life are the day you were born, . . . and the day you find out why.”

That is a quote attributed to the famous Mark Twain. That is also the opening line of the film production of Roots, originally written by Alex Haley, the story of Kunte Kinte, born four days up the river in central Gambia, but sold as a slave and shipped to America.

“The two most important days in your life are the day you were born, . . . and the day you find out why.”

When we have our wits about us, we can name the day we were born. But that second day - the day we find out why - may be less a day and more a long process. It often takes a while for us to figure out why we were born. Most of us may still be working on that “why” - why were we born?

I hope today - Easter - might help us along that journey of figuring out why. We are all here because we know or hope something is true about God and about Easter; and we want to know more, especially in these uncertain days. We are on a journey - and this Easter just might help us on that journey.

We have heard one lesson today - grand and encouraging words from Isaiah 65. I had forgotten the beauty and depth of those words - hidden deep in the Bible, at the end of Isaiah. I hope we all might make a note of this passage and return often to it - especially when we are feeling discouraged. We live in a violent and perplexing world, with so much bad news - gun violence, a horrific war in Ukraine, economic uncertainties, a struggling planet with a dubious future if we do not get serious about climate change.

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Virginia Evans
"Would we shout both Hosanna and Crucify him?" - Luke 19:28 - 40; Luke 23:13 - 25

This week, more than most Sundays, our scripture readings are made for the movies. Liam read the familiar story of the parade to Jerusalem. From Luke’s account, we hear about Jesus instructing two disciples to bring him a colt, and then Jesus rides this humble colt from the Mount of Olives down to Jerusalem. I bet you can imagine the scene—slowly panning the crowds, shouting their praises. Cloaks and coats of different colors and sizes cover the road. Children and teenagers gather in groups and run alongside Jesus, their thumbs uploading selfies #theGOATonaColt #Hosana. Adults are smiling and waving. And the disciples are soaking up this moment when they have successfully followed directions and the people are cheering. Jesus rides at a slow and steady pace, making eye contact with the people on both sides of the road. In every culture across the globe, people love a parade to welcome a hero. Still today, we line up along the road for parades to celebrate a championship-winning team or a newly elected candidate, a high school’s homecoming court, or certain holidays. Parades are festive and fun, full of hope and rejoicing. Such joy is the kind of scene we want to hold on to—it’s the kind of formative memory we will share for years to come.

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"Does God Condemn People to Hell?" - Matthew 25:31-46; Revelation 21:1-8

Could you guess how many times the word “hell” is mentioned in the Bible? Is it 15 times? 50? 100? Or 150? Or more?

“Hell” - or some form of that word - a place separate from God, a lake of fire, a Pit, or abyss - is mentioned 167 times in the Bible. Through the ages, “hell” has gotten quite a bit of attention - in literature, in art, and in our theology.

So, does God really condemn people to hell, . . . forever?

When we had our staff meeting this week, and I reminded them that this was the question for my sermon in this series, the energy picked up, the conversation got louder: “well yeah! . . . . Of course! . . . . We know the answer.” And then there was more laughter as we shared how everyone can name certain people that we hope God might condemn to hell - maybe a few for real, the nasty evildoers through history, and then others who we might just be teasing about.

What does it say about us that we might want some people to be banished forever to hell? That is quite a condemnation.

I am pretty sure we like the idea of a “hell” because we also want, depend on, a sense of justice. We might even admit to finding delight in the idea that God perhaps establishes such a dreadful place for certain dreadful people.

But, . . . we should also be careful about this concept of “hell.” We probably should hope and pray that no one is banished forever to hell, because . . what makes us so sure we will not be there also? And we should be even more careful about what we assume God is certain to do. When it comes to God - mystery is the better word, not certitude. Too many people express certitude about certain things. Certitude, when it comes to God, and especially combined with the word “hell,” is always dangerous.

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Virginia Evans
"Is It True: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished?" - Psalm 37; Romans 5:1-5

“No good deed goes unpunished!” Where does that line come from?

It is NOT in the Bible - it is one of those familiar phrases that emerges over time, gets traction in various ways, and becomes part of what we think and say.

And, . . . well, it comes from a few of you, suggesting that we address this phrase in the current sermon series. “How about preaching on that, Alex?”

This is what can happen - you sign up to do something at church, serve God, . . . . it can feel like punishment sometimes; because once you take on a job, watch out, it may be yours forever. . . . :)

But this phrase - no good deed goes unpunished - goes well beyond doing good deeds in the church. For centuries, theologians have addressed conventional wisdom about God’s rewards and punishments. For example, the great theologian, Thomas Aquinas, in his “Summa Theologica” from the 13th century, states that “no evil deed goes unpunished, by God the just judge;” and “no good deed is unrewarded, and so every good deed merits some good.”

This is the way we would like the world to be - reasonably ordered by God: evil gets punished, good gets rewarded. Wouldn’t that be wonderful - good people prosper, truth and integrity prevail - evil gets punished, bullies never win.

But . . . as life unfolds, we learn fast that evil people can indeed prosper; aggression and destruction can take centerstage - as we see happening in Ukraine today, . . . and as we know can happen in our own lives. Good and evil, rewards and punishments do not always go so logically or smoothly.

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Virginia Evans
"Is Anything Un-Forgivable?" - Psalm 32 & Matthew 18:18 - 22

One of the most important lessons I learned in seminary is this: context matters. So, I start by sharing the context of how this sermon began. A few weeks ago, Alex and I were catching up, when he shared a list of questions he created for this ongoing sermon series. Each question was intriguing. As I was reading through his handwritten list, I voiced my hesitation with this one, saying something like, “Whoa! Is anything unforgivable? That’s a tough one!” Alex was quick to respond, “You think so? Is anything beyond God’s forgiveness?” Right there in the hallway, we began the delightful enterprise of discussing theology, scripture, and swapping ideas. Since he is a stellar colleague, Alex gifted me with this question to allow me to wrestle with it in a sermon.

We will explore the question “Is Anything Un-Forgivable?” together. And I will do my best to begin the dialogue with two parts. First, is anything un-forgivable for God? And then, is anything unforgivable for us—we mortals of humanity? There is a theological angle to this question, and also life lessons to learn. Lucy started us off well with the hopeful words of Eugene Peterson’s translation for Psalm 32. We can “count ourselves lucky” before a God who forgives us, with a fresh start and a slate that is wiped clean. We take heart that, “God-affirmers find themselves loved every time they turn around.” This good news is in line with how God forgives Abraham, Moses, Jacob, David, and many more for their transgressions throughout the Hebrew scriptures. Repeatedly, God forgives the people after their disobedience when they turn to God and acknowledge their sins. The rainbow is a sign of God’s covenant of mercy—a promise painted in the sky that God will forgive us and not destroy when humanity turns against the Creator. Throughout the Psalms, we hear of God’s steadfast love and abundant mercy. And we are reminded in Romans 8 that neither death, nor life, nor our present, nor our future, nor powers, nor presidents—nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Forgiveness is part of that extravagant love. The promises of God from Genesis through Revelation proclaim that God’s forgiveness is without limits or an expiration date when we recognize our mistakes. This is not cheap grace, but an act of hope by the Creator of the cosmos for the reconciliation of all creation. God’s redemptive love has the final word. I can stand here and affirm that according to what I read in Scripture, according to what I’ve witnessed through the power of the Holy Spirit, according to the hope of the church, there is nothing that is unforgivable for God. God’s love is complete. With God, we find mercy and forgiveness, always, rooted in love and redemption.

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"Do We Believe in Prayer?" - Psalm 34:1-18; Ephesians 1:15-19

A guy named Larry goes to a revival and listens to the preacher. After a while the preacher invites all those who request specific prayers to come down to the front. Larry gets in line, and when it's his turn, the preacher asks: "Larry, what do you want me to pray about for you?"
Larry replies: "Preacher, I need you to pray for my hearing."
The preacher puts one finger in Larry's ear, and he places the other hand on top of Larry's head and prays and prays and prays. After a few minutes, the preacher removes his hands, stands back and asks Larry: "Larry, how is your hearing now?"
Larry says, "I don't know, Reverend, my hearing is with the judge . . . and it’s coming up this Wednesday.”

Two people are talking during a break in the workday. One worker says to the other: “does your family say a prayer before meals?” The other one looks a bit amazed and says: “Non; we are French, and we know how to cook.”

Clearly, the subject of prayer can bring lots of misunderstandings.

What is faithful prayer? Do we believe in prayer? Do more prayers - the more we pray and the more people praying - make a difference? These questions about prayer, and many more, deserve our attention.

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Virginia Evans
ASH WEDNESDAY - "Why do we talk about ashes and death? Joel 2:1-2;Matthew 6:19-21

When I was in high school, senior pictures were a big deal. This wasn’t a picture that would just be viewed in the annual yearbook then collect dust. These pictures could be submitted with college applications, when applying for a job, and grandparents often kept the senior photo framed for years, at least that’s what both my grandmothers did. Senior pictures were a big deal, and so I chose my attire carefully, and got my mom’s blessing with my planned accessories and the bright coral sweater I wore when it was my turn. It was exciting to get our pictures back weeks later, to share the proofs with friends by our lockers and check out their pictures too. That day, some of my friends gave me a hard time when they saw my photos. “Where’s your cross necklace?” I was asked, with judgment ringing through the question. “Yeah, how are you going to evangelize if you don’t wear your cross?” One friend piled on, “I’ve always thought it was weird that your parents are preachers and all, but you only have one little cross in your house.” I was shocked by their accusations. I didn’t have a comeback. I just shrugged and went on with my day, feeling guilty for choosing a necklace my mom gave me instead of my cross from confirmation. When I got home from school, I showed my parents my senior picture proofs while we gathered at the kitchen table, and then I told them what my friends said. “I like my cross necklace you gave me for confirmation. Why didn’t you tell me to wear that one instead? And why don’t we have more crosses up in this house?” Using the classic teenage move, of blaming your parents when your friends question you. My dad smiled kindly and gently told me, “We choose to wear our crosses on our hearts, and not around our necks.”

I was quiet then. Dad calmed me down yet again. He made sense. That held true with how my parents taught my brother and me to act, both at home and out in public. I filed my dad’s response away for a strong reply the next time my friends declared I didn’t wear the right jewelry for Jesus.

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Virginia Evans
"What is the Opposite of Faith?" - Psalm 46; Luke 9:28 - 36

As you may have noticed, we have decided to continue this sermon series for the coming weeks - asking probing and often challenging questions about faith and life. Today’s question - “What is the Opposite of Faith?”

With the world events this week, namely Russia’s aggressive invasion of Ukraine, we may be leaning toward the opposite of faith. Lutheran pastor, Nadia Bolz-Weber does a weekly newsletter; she puts it bluntly: “I am pretty freaked out right now. Maybe you are too.”

It could be the Russian invasion and the world in peril, or it could be some other peril in your life. In perilous times, it is normal to wonder about our faith, our God, our center. We might gravitate toward . . . the opposite of faith.

In my early and naïve years of ministry, I was pretty sure the opposite of faith was . . . doubt. Faith/Doubt. Indeed, I have to confess that the first sermon I ever preached in a congregation on a Sunday morning was about the story of Abraham and Sarah - in Genesis 17 - when this famous couple, chosen by God, discover that Sarah is pregnant at 90 years old! Sarah “laughed” at the idea. Sarah doubted that her pregnancy could be true. It seemed to me that doubting was the opposite of faith. With God - we learn - everything is possible. So . . . I concluded in that dreadful sermon that the opposite of faith is doubt.

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Virginia Evans
"Does God Help Those Who Help Themselves?" II Thessalonians 3:10-12; Isaiah 58: 3-8

Do you remember when comedian Jay Leno was host of The Tonight Show? One of his familiar exploits to generate laughter included going out on the street - he called this “Jaywalking.” Jay Leno would approach random people in NYC and ask, on camera, random questions. One time he went out and asked people to name the Ten Commandments. You know what was a common answer? More than a few people said this: “God helps those who help themselves.” (A. Hamilton, Half-Truths, p. 53)

Where does that come from? That is not even a command but a statement.

If you recall - the Ten Commandments were given to Moses to share with God’s beloved people, soon after they had escaped from slavery in Egypt. God gave to Moses the Ten Commandment to shape them into faithful community who love God, worship God, and serve God with their lives.

There is nothing anywhere close to this idea - God helps those who help themselves - in the Ten Commandments.

And to make matters more complicated, the Barna Group, a Christian polling firm, found that better than 8 in 10 Americans think that this same statement - “God helps those who help themselves” - is indeed in the Bible. More than half of the people were strongly convinced that this is one of the major messages of the Bible.

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Virginia Evans
"Is It True? God Never Gives Us More Than We Can Handle?" - 1Corinthians 10:12 - 13; Psalm 46

Every couple of weeks, I receive a newsletter from Duke Divinity School entitled, Faith and Leadership. This publication always shares stories of new, inspiring, and effective practices of ministry that are bearing fruit.

In the most recent edition of this publication, a certain title grabbed my attention: “What If We Are All Burned Out?” This is how the piece opens: “Is everyone burned out? When I read about pastors who are considering resigning, I am not surprised. The stress of 2020 and 2021 has been relentless and exhausting. When I look at the people in the pews, I see the stress — in particular the stress experienced by parents, people of color, teachers, students and health care workers. I don’t know how to weight the comparative stress of anyone’s particular responsibility. And I wonder how congregations can respond when nearly everyone is overwhelmed.” (Faith and Leadership, Duke Divinity School, faithandleadership.com - January 21, 2022)

David Odom, the Executive Director of Leadership Education at Duke goes on to share a study from Harvard Business School that defines burnout in this way: “It is a complex condition that can manifest any of three distinct symptoms: “exhaustion (a depletion of mental or physical resources), cynical detachment (a depletion of social connectedness) and a reduced sense of efficacy (a depletion of value for oneself).” (see reference above)

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Virginia Evans
"New Wine - New Way" - John 2: 1-11

Today we get to go to a party. Even with the snow falling and all the other crazy things going on. How long has it been since you have been to a party - a real party, with happy people eating and drinking and celebrating life? Do you remember what a party used to feel like? It has been so long for most of us. People talking - without masks, and sharing life and laughter?

Today, we get to go, not just to a party, but to a wedding. So many weddings, so many parties, have been postponed because of the pandemic.

We are not really going to a party; we are not actually going to a wedding; but our Scripture passage from the second chapter of John is about Jesus and what happens at a joyful wedding. Listen to the story:

On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. 2Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. 3When the wine gave out, the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.” 4And Jesus said to her, “Woman, what concern is that to you and to me? My hour has not yet come.” 5His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” 6Now standing there were six stone water jars for the Jewish rites of purification, each holding twenty or thirty gallons. 7Jesus said to them, “Fill the jars with water.” And they filled them up to the brim. 8He said to them, “Now draw some out, and take it to the chief steward.” So they took it. 9When the steward tasted the water that had become wine, and did not know where it came from (though the servants who had drawn the water knew), the steward called the bridegroom 10and said to him, “Everyone serves the good wine first, and then the inferior wine after the guests have become drunk. But you have kept the good wine until now.” 11Jesus did this, the first of his signs, in Cana of Galilee, and revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him.

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Virginia Evans
"Thus Says the Lord" - Isaiah 43: 1 - 7

Friends, there are so many things, in these days, that fill us with fear.

We keep dealing with the haunting, ever-stalking, COVID virus and its variants. I cannot even count the number of people - family members, friends, church members, others who have recently been diagnosed with this virus. And this happens lately after we have worked so hard, been so careful and cautious - the virus keeps creeping in, making us sick, causing mayhem in our society, and even death around us. This certainly generates fear among us.

There is also, just a few days after the anniversary of the attack on the Capitol, genuine fear about our democracy in peril. On Wednesday of this past week, Jimmy Carter, our nation’s 39th President, wrote a piece for the NY Times, entitled, “I Fear for Our Democracy.”

This is what Carter writes: I now fear that what we have fought so hard to achieve globally — the right to free, fair elections, unhindered by strongman politicians who seek nothing more than to grow their own power — has become dangerously fragile at home. And he concludes, following appeals to common principles and reforming policies, with this: Our great nation now teeters on the brink of a widening abyss. Without immediate action, we are at genuine risk of civil conflict and losing our precious democracy. Americans must set aside differences and work together before it is too late. (NY Times, January 5, 2022)

There are other things that generate fear, too.

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Virginia Evans
"Our Response" - Matthew 2: 1 - 12

Listen now to the story - just after the birth of Jesus - from Matthew’s gospel, chapter 2:

In the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, 2asking, “Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? For we observed his star at its rising, and have come to pay him homage.” 3When King Herod heard this, he was frightened, and all Jerusalem with him; 4and calling together all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Messiah was to be born. 5They told him, “In Bethlehem of Judea; for so it has been written by the prophet: 6‘And you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for from you shall come a ruler who is to shepherd my people Israel.’” 7Then Herod secretly called for the wise men and learned from them the exact time when the star had appeared. 8Then he sent them to Bethlehem, saying, “Go and search diligently for the child; and when you have found him, bring me word so that I may also go and pay him homage.”

9When they had heard the king, they set out; and there, ahead of them, went the star that they had seen at its rising, until it stopped over the place where the child was. 10When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy. 11On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. 12And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by another road.

This is the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

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Virginia Evans