Mission and Advocacy Council collection for April 2023 ~ Sacred Heart Food Pantry


Throughout the month of April, the Mission and Advocacy council will be collecting food items for the pantry at Sacred Heart, one of our urban mission partners.

The Sacred Heart Center connects Latino families with tools to thrive and flourish. These tools include a continuum of educational opportunities for adults; innovative programs for youth and children; and strategic partnerships to meet community needs. The Sacred Heart community continues to experience extreme food insecurity, and their food pantry is serving 300-400 individuals each week.

Here is a list of items we will be collecting throughout the month of April:

Corn and flour tortillas

Dried or canned beans


Baby formula

Snacks for small children

Canned vegetables


Canned fruit

Powdered milk

Cereal Crackers

Peanut butter

Tea & coffee


Cooking oils

Donations can be brought to the church and placed in the appropriate bins. Thank you for your generosity!